Experienced businessman Thomas Lund installs a leading commercial air purification solution - Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI™) – and identified the need for a mobile version of the technology. The mobile solution provides the same benefits – reducing virus, pollution, and harmful volatile chemicals from the air – without the complexity of the typical HVAC-based installation. Lund designed and prototyped the Clean Cube™, a 750 CFM air purifier equipped with NPBI™ and a MERV 13 filter tray that treats up to 1500 s.f. of space. The adjustable louvres provide indirect air flow, creating an ideal ventilation pattern for the room.
While Tom had a vision for the equipment, and even made a prototype, he needed an experienced manufacturer to refine and build it. His prototype was large and heavy, made of aluminum angles and vinyl pressboard—not quite the small, sleek, and “sexy” unit he was envisioning. A connection referred him to Mathison Manufacturing, and the Mathison Manufacturing team jumped at the chance to work together. During the pandemic Mathison Manufacturing had been looking for an opportunity to help produce products that would reduce COVID-19 transmission, and this was an ideal solution.
At the very first meeting, staff from both companies knew it would be a great fit. For Mathison Manufacturing, “fit” matters—and not just in terms of product and production, but company culture. Mathison Manufacturing runs on honesty and integrity, and the staff want to work with companies that espouse those same values. What’s more, we appreciated Lund’s enthusiasm and passion for his business: it mirrors our own.
During the meeting, Lund outlined his plans for growing the business, and we knew we could help make it happen. We were so confident that following the meeting we got right to work building a unit. When Lund came back for a second meeting it was sitting on the table for him to review.
We engaged Lund throughout the entire process, inviting him for site visits and working collaboratively on enhancements. New to manufacturing, he was eager to learn about the process and we enjoyed sharing our knowledge and learning with him. We like the challenge of translating Lund’s meticulous vision (down to where the switch should be positioned compared to the logo plate; the font used on the power on/off switch, and even where the fan control settings should be positioned) into reality.

The new version of the Clean Cube™ is a visually stunning, compact, clean-lined, durable unit made of high-grade metal that fits nicely in any home or office. The Cube was engineered with a design-for-manufacturability approach that streamlines the manufacturing and assembly processes. This approach not only helps manage end-user production costs but ensures scalability of the product line.
Over the course of multiple iterations, Mathison introduced performance improvements along the way. For instance, the original prototype design had an exposed edge to the filter, which was unsightly. Mathison engineered a magnetized filter drawer that now hides the filter and makes it easier to change. To comply with the UL certification process, Mathison again engineered a unique solution that avoided a costly re-design. With each iteration, and through collaboration, we incremental improved the performance and functionality of the product.
Mathison Manufacturing is acting as a turn-key fulfillment center for their client. Starting at the manufacturing shop, raw material is laser cut, deburred, formed and welded. From there, Mathison outsources finishing with an internal vendor. The screen-printing process (for the logo) is also managed by Mathison, which is applied to an in-house manufactured brushed stainless-steel nameplate. Finally, we assemble, package, warehouse, and ship directly to Clean Entrance Systems’ customers. The efficiency of this process further reduces fulfillment costs for our client.
Clean Cube™ is now a scalable product that can be produced—efficiently, cost effectively, and with exceptional quality and safety. The entire team at Mathison Manufacturing is committed to Clean Cube™’s success, and we’re grateful to be able to support a rewarding project that will make life better for people around the nation.
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